Rules for posters preparation
  • Language: All posters should be in English
  • Orientation: Create a portrait document 100 cm x 80 cm (height x width)
  • Font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana, Times New Roman, or Helvetica
  • Text, illustrations etc. should be bold / enlarged / clear enough to be read from a distance of two meters.
  • Font size: 20 points or larger
  • Assign the top of the poster for the title and authors according to the abstract sent.
  • Images and tables: at least 200 dpi - good image quality is essential;
  • Double-sided tape and technical equipment will be available for mounting the posters. The staff will also be available to help at a designated point for poster presentations at the Congress site.
  • Please note that you must print and bring your own poster.
  • Here you can download a poster sample vertically in the already appropriate sizes. Before printing, check the dimensions carefully with your print service provider to avoid poor print quality.